Feature requests for 3.0?

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Feature requests for 3.0?

Hi everyone,

Major refactoring is winding down for version 3.  There are a quite a few new features in v. 3, including new components (vision, sound, and a full suite of charts using JFreeChart), scripting ability, improved saving and opening of simulations, a separate neural network jar for use outside of the Gui, and lots more.

But there is still a ton of work to do before the beta release, and so there is time to incorporate new features.

I'd be interested if anyone has any suggestions, in terms of features they'd like to see, lessons they'd like to be able to teach using the software, ideas regarding the GUI design and usability, etc.    Even if the suggestion does not make it into the next release, it could make it into a subsequent release, and the feedback would be useful to me.

Best, and happy new year,

- Jeff