Izikevich neuron input data

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Izikevich neuron input data

I try to test a single Izikevich neuron using a data table by monitoring its activation.
Without using the table, as it has no incoming synapses,it spikes regularly.

But when testing a single row, its activation is altered even though I use a 0 input at the input table.
(It happens with both synaptic and weighted input type.)
Can someone please explain why?

I tried to follow the code.
The data table uses setinputvalues method of neuron class, correct ?
The update method of Izikevichrule then uses inputs = inputType.getInput(neuron);
This is an abstract method of public abstract class NeuronUpdateRule not specified at the SpikingNeuronUpdateRule.
I can't follow it.

Any help?
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Re: Izikevich neuron input data

Also I noticed that the exact same input (as defined in a row of an input table) does not affect at all some update rules (e.g. linear or Hodgkin-Huxley) no matter what the input value is, but affects some others (e.g. Izikevich, Integrate and Fire, Morris-Lecar). And as mentioned in the previous post, it affects them even if the value is 0.
Can someone explain why (from the scripting point of view)?
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Re: Izikevich neuron input data

Hi there I'll try to get back to this by week's end.  Zach my weigh in too...
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Re: Izikevich neuron input data

Is this code or a script or workspace you created and saved?   If you can share what you have it might help me answer.   I think Zach's pretty busy but this is his wheelhouse so I'll see if he can comment.

Yeah the different biologically realistic neuron models behave quite differently from each other.   Sometimes forceSetActivation is useful in the code.    Some background on the different inputs types is here


- Jeff