Recording Neuron Activation Data

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Recording Neuron Activation Data

Hello All,

I am new to SimBrain and am very much looking forward to getting to know the program and the community. I am a business intelligence analyst by day and an independent cognitive scientist studying selective attention and it's relation to theories of consciousness by night. My programming knowledge is fairly limited, so SimBrain is exactly what I have been looking for (thank you, Jeff and team!).

The current roadblock I am hitting is in regards to recording individual neuron activation levels. Basically, I want to select "Neuron 1" and record it's activation value at each step (iteration), for a series of iterations. Ideally, this data set would be exportable to something like an excel format or matlab for data analysis.

Please let me know if I need to elaborate or clarify any points in my question. Thank you in advance for any help. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Re: Recording Neuron Activation Data

I like that: business analyst by day, cognitive scientist by night!

Yes if you put the neuron or neurons in a neuron group, there is an option to start / stop recording.  A bit of info is here

If you search for "recording"

- jeff
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Re: Recording Neuron Activation Data


This is exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you for your help. This program is outstanding!

- Eben

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 8:54 AM, jyoshimi [via Simbrain] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I like that: business analyst by day, cognitive scientist by night!

Yes if you put the neuron or neurons in a neuron group, there is an option to start / stop recording.  A bit of info is here

If you search for "recording"

- jeff

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