Simbrain 3.03 Released

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Simbrain 3.03 Released

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note that Simbrain 3.03 has been released.  It's actually been up for about a week, but I just posted a video about it

The issues with backprop are still not addressed, alas, but that work is being folded in to Simbrain 3.1, where all the new work is focusing.  A beta of that should be up in early Fall.  The video has a brief sneak peek.

- Jeff
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Re: Simbrain 3.03 Released

Hello Jeff.
I want to learn about simbrain
But i can not download the installer/program from
but it says "Server Hangup"

thanks a lot

best regards

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Re: Simbrain 3.03 Released

Ooops!  I hadn't renewed the domain name.  I just updated it so it should be working soon.

- JEff