Tutorials for stdp and spk

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Tutorials for stdp and spk


I'm new to simbrain and I'm trying to understand basics of this software. There are enough information and explanation about backprop and all other kind of insturments but there are not enough information about stdp and spk.

Is that possible for you to explain those instruments basicly by making tutorials?

I know that I could find useful information on internet but I do not know how to use those insturments and what are they capable of doing. Therefore maybe a few informations and examples would be very useful for us to understand them.
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Re: Tutorials for stdp and spk

Hi there,

I think by "spk" you mean "spiking"?

You're right, we don't have much on that out.  Zach Tosi wrote most that code and is the real expert in the spiking neuron / computational neuroscience domain.    At some point if he gets time he might put up some videos.  Also when we release our book next year it will have a chapter on these types of models. I might put up something on the topic too but I'm pretty busy so it might not be for a while.    We're all so busy!

The basic contrast is being more classical connectionist models where neurons are treated in a very abstract way, and more realistic computational neuroscience models where an effort is made to capture the biophysical properties of real neurons, like refractory periods and action potentials.  So the two kinds of neurons correspond to two kinds of modeling projects.

- Jeff