Unable to start up on MacBook

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Unable to start up on MacBook

I installed SimBrain 3 on my MacBook (Yosemite OS 10.10.1) yesterday, but cannot get it to start up, although it works fine on all my desktop PCs.  When I dbl-click on Simbrain.jar, I get a "could not be launched" error message.  Any ideas what may be wrong?  Thank you.
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Re: Unable to start up on MacBook

Hi there,

Do you have java 1.7?   Try "java -version" in terminal.  Also you can open a terminal, cd over the Simbrain folder, and try running using "java -jar Simbrain.jar".  That should give you some kind of exception message you can paste here.

- Jeff
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Re: Unable to start up on MacBook

Ah...  I have Java version 1.6.0_65.  So, I need to install 1.7?
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Re: Unable to start up on MacBook

Yes, you should use the latest java, and it should be 1.7+.  But easiest to go for 1.8.  The next version will require 1.8.

- Jeff
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Re: Unable to start up on MacBook

In reply to this post by jyoshimi
I installed Java 1.8 and now Simbrain is working.  Thanks a lot.