Understanding Simbrain

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Understanding Simbrain

I am new to neural networks and I am wondering if Simbrain is appropriate for what I want to do. I have an excel spreadsheet of cancer survival data. I want to train the network with parameters including patient age, location, tumour type, etc. with specific survival data. I want to then use the network on test data to see how accurate it is on predicting survival. I know that excel add-ins can do this, but I am hopeful that Simbrain can do this as well. Let me know Thanks

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Re: Understanding Simbrain

Simbrain can do this kind of thing but I wouldn't say that's it's best use case, at least not currently (Simbrain is great for visualizing networks and network dynamics, learning about neural networks, and some cognitive science and comp. neuroscience modeling) . For the kind of machine learning task you are looking at, I'd say python with scikitlearn is the best place to start, or if you prefer something more visual maybe WEKA.