maybe a bug of ordor world-network coupling

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maybe a bug of ordor world-network coupling

Guangyu Wang
If I try to couple one neuron with two or more inputs from ordor world, such as input A and input B,  I assume that this neuron get an A+B effects. But it turned out to be confusing that if no B is present, the coupling of B to the neuron itselft would affect the response of it to input A. I think this is cause by the value of B (which is 0 actually) would replace the value of A, instead of doing an A+B calculation.
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Re: maybe a bug of ordor world-network coupling

Yeah that is confusing.  The issue is that couplings in Simbrain 3 can't be many-to-one.  So the last coupling to the same neuron will overwrite the ones before it.  We've changed this in Simbrain 4, but work is so slow in Simbrian 4 it might be a long time before it's available.

A workaround is that you can create multiple neurons, one for A and B, and then have them added up at a third neuron C, which should achieve what you need, even if it's a bit of a hack.