Very basic documentation needed

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Very basic documentation needed

Could we have a basic explanation of how some of the examples work eg chasing Ami, Embodied_SOM. Also, where does the sensor input come from? Thanks.
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Re: Very basic documentation needed

Want how to give input to simbrain and also what type of inputs it will accept???
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Re: Very basic documentation needed

In reply to this post by Jerry
Hi Jerry,

You're absolutely right.   Something is needed.   The problem is how busy I am.  I have various fragments of documentation and am trying to determine the best strategy for publishing what I have.   I'll put this on my internal todo list.  If you'd like to work together on this let me know (I could use the help!)

Inputs to sensors are based on what objects the agent is near and the "stimulus vector" associated with those objects.  Information on this is in Help > Worlds > OdorWorld > Agents.

The sensors send output to (for example) neurons using the coupling framework.  For information on this go to Help > Workspace and read the general discussion as well the page on couplings.  

Couplings and smell sensors are a bit complex and I find I often have a hard time saying how it all works.   Anyway feel free to ask followup question and I can try to clarify.

- Jeff
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Re: Very basic documentation needed

In reply to this post by aishu
The basic information on this is in Documentation > Workspace.   As I noted in my last post it's a bit complex.  I need to make a youtube video or something to just explain it out loud with the program running...  

If you'd like more information just reply to this and give me a bit more detail what you want to make your simulation do.


- Jeff
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Re: Very basic documentation needed

In reply to this post by jyoshimi
In replying to another post I remembered this page.  One link is broken but the others work. They walk you through a few simulations.   Obvious more is needed than this but anyway it's a start.

- Jeff